2025 Trainer Application
Please read the instructions below before starting your application.
Please read the MYWY Rules & Regs first.
If you are not familiar with goformz, everything must be at the ready before you fill out the applications. These forms cannot be saved to come back and complete at a later time. They must be completed all in one sitting.
For the MYWY App you will need:
Three (3) photos of your horse trailer – side view, back door(s) while closed and one of the inside.
Three (3) photos of your facility where the horse/burro will be kept.
One headshot photo of you. Just you. Just your head/face.
When you have completed the application, hit submit. It will give you the option to download your app. Please do. This is the verification that your app has been submitted and received. You will not receive any other notification from us.
For the BLM App you will need:
If you are under 18 years of age – you cannot complete this information. The applicant on this form is the parent/guardian of a minor under the age of 18 years. If you are an adult competitor/applicant, this form will be in your name.
Dimensions of your corral/horse area, type of panels or fencing, the height of said fencing and the height and width of the gates.
Other miscellaneous info such as type & amount of feed, water and a trailer description for hauling from the BLM.
A photo of a map to your facility/
A photo of the drawing layout of your facility.
This application will need signatures and dates.
When you have completed this application, hit submit. It will give you the option to download your app. Please do. This is the verification that your app has been submitted and received. You will not receive any other notification from us.
When both of these applications have been received your application will be considered complete.
Questions? Email theboard.mywy@gmail.com